Embracing Mindfulness

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Whiton Branch Library
100 North Main St
Manchester, CT

In the relentless rush of daily life, it's easy for our thoughts to race ahead or linger in the past, often neglecting the serenity of the present moment. If you find yourself yearning for a pause, a chance to recalibrate and nurture your mental well-being, then join us for a transformative workshop that promises to guide you back to inner peace. Hosted by Mary Ann Francis LMFT, this experience is dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the art of mindfulness. Through the gentle practice of body scan meditation, engaging in the reflective world of journal writing, where your thoughts and feelings can unfold freely, bringing clarity. As well as participating in self-awareness exercises designed to sharpen your perception of the now. Mary Ann will address the challenges of decelerating in a fast-paced world. This is a free adult program and no registration required.

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Whiton Branch Library
100 North Main St
Manchester, CT

More information about Embracing Mindfulness